Source code for webkit_server

Python bindings for the `webkit-server <>`_

import sys, os
import subprocess
import re
import socket
import atexit
import json

# path to the `webkit_server` executable
SERVER_EXEC = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),

[docs]class SelectionMixin(object): """ Implements a generic XPath selection for a class providing ``_get_xpath_ids``, ``_get_css_ids`` and ``get_node_factory`` methods. """
[docs] def xpath(self, xpath): """ Finds another node by XPath originating at the current node. """ return [self.get_node_factory().create(node_id) for node_id in self._get_xpath_ids(xpath).split(",") if node_id]
[docs] def css(self, css): """ Finds another node by a CSS selector relative to the current node. """ return [self.get_node_factory().create(node_id) for node_id in self._get_css_ids(css).split(",") if node_id]
[docs]class NodeFactory(object): """ Implements the default node factory. `client` is the associated client instance. """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client def create(self, node_id): return Node(self.client, node_id)
[docs]class NodeError(Exception): """ A problem occured within a ``Node`` instance method. """ pass
[docs]class Node(SelectionMixin): """ Represents a DOM node in our Webkit session. `client` is the associated client instance. `node_id` is the internal ID that is used to identify the node when communicating with the server. """ def __init__(self, client, node_id): super(Node, self).__init__() self.client = client self.node_id = node_id
[docs] def text(self): """ Returns the inner text (*not* HTML). """ return self._invoke("text")
[docs] def get_bool_attr(self, name): """ Returns the value of a boolean HTML attribute like `checked` or `disabled` """ val = self.get_attr(name) return val is not None and val.lower() in ("true", name)
[docs] def get_attr(self, name): """ Returns the value of an attribute. """ return self._invoke("attribute", name)
[docs] def set_attr(self, name, value): """ Sets the value of an attribute. """ self.exec_script("node.setAttribute(%s, %s)" % (repr(name), repr(value)))
[docs] def value(self): """ Returns the node's value. """ if self.is_multi_select(): return [opt.value() for opt in self.xpath(".//option") if opt["selected"]] else: return self._invoke("value")
[docs] def set(self, value): """ Sets the node content to the given value (e.g. for input fields). """ self._invoke("set", value)
[docs] def path(self): """ Returns an XPath expression that uniquely identifies the current node. """ return self._invoke("path")
[docs] def submit(self): """ Submits a form node, then waits for the page to completely load. """ self.eval_script("node.submit()")
[docs] def eval_script(self, js): """ Evaluate arbitrary Javascript with the ``node`` variable bound to the current node. """ return self.client.eval_script(self._build_script(js))
[docs] def exec_script(self, js): """ Execute arbitrary Javascript with the ``node`` variable bound to the current node. """ self.client.exec_script(self._build_script(js))
def _build_script(self, js): return "var node = Capybara.nodes[%s]; %s;" % (self.node_id, js)
[docs] def select_option(self): """ Selects an option node. """ self._invoke("selectOption")
[docs] def unselect_options(self): """ Unselects an option node (only possible within a multi-select). """ if self.xpath("ancestor::select")[0].is_multi_select(): self._invoke("unselectOption") else: raise NodeError("Unselect not allowed.")
[docs] def click(self): """ Alias for ``left_click``. """ self.left_click()
[docs] def left_click(self): """ Left clicks the current node, then waits for the page to fully load. """ self._invoke("leftClick")
[docs] def right_click(self): """ Right clicks the current node, then waits for the page to fully load. """ self._invoke("rightClick")
[docs] def double_click(self): """ Double clicks the current node, then waits for the page to fully load. """ self._invoke("doubleClick")
[docs] def hover(self): """ Hovers over the current node, then waits for the page to fully load. """ self._invoke("hover")
[docs] def focus(self): """ Puts the focus onto the current node, then waits for the page to fully load. """ self._invoke("focus")
[docs] def drag_to(self, element): """ Drag the node to another one. """ self._invoke("dragTo", element.node_id)
[docs] def tag_name(self): """ Returns the tag name of the current node. """ return self._invoke("tagName")
[docs] def is_visible(self): """ Checks whether the current node is visible. """ return self._invoke("visible") == "true"
[docs] def is_attached(self): """ Checks whether the current node is actually existing on the currently active web page. """ return self._invoke("isAttached") == "true"
[docs] def is_selected(self): """ is the ``selected`` attribute set for this node? """ return self.get_bool_attr("selected")
[docs] def is_checked(self): """ is the ``checked`` attribute set for this node? """ return self.get_bool_attr("checked")
[docs] def is_disabled(self): """ is the ``disabled`` attribute set for this node? """ return self.get_bool_attr("disabled")
[docs] def is_multi_select(self): """ is this node a multi-select? """ return self.tag_name() == "select" and self.get_bool_attr("multiple")
def _get_xpath_ids(self, xpath): """ Implements a mechanism to get a list of node IDs for an relative XPath query. """ return self._invoke("findXpathWithin", xpath) def _get_css_ids(self, css): """ Implements a mechanism to get a list of node IDs for an relative CSS query. """ return self._invoke("findCssWithin", css)
[docs] def get_node_factory(self): """ Returns the associated node factory. """ return self.client.get_node_factory()
def __repr__(self): return "<Node #%s>" % self.path() def _invoke(self, cmd, *args): return self.client.issue_node_cmd(cmd, "false", self.node_id, *args)
def _normalize_header(key): return "-".join(part[0].upper() + part[1:].lower() for part in key.split("-"))
[docs]class Client(SelectionMixin): """ Wrappers for the webkit_server commands. If `connection` is not specified, a new instance of ``ServerConnection`` is created. `node_factory_class` can be set to a value different from the default, in which case a new instance of the given class will be used to create nodes. The given class must accept a client instance through its constructor and support a ``create`` method that takes a node ID as an argument and returns a node object. """ def __init__(self, connection = None, node_factory_class = NodeFactory): super(Client, self).__init__() self.conn = connection or ServerConnection() self._node_factory = node_factory_class(self)
[docs] def visit(self, url): """ Goes to a given URL. """ self.conn.issue_command("Visit", url)
[docs] def body(self): """ Returns the current DOM as HTML. """ return self.conn.issue_command("Body")
[docs] def source(self): """ Returns the source of the page as it was originally served by the web server. """ return self.conn.issue_command("Source")
[docs] def url(self): """ Returns the current location. """ return self.conn.issue_command("CurrentUrl")
[docs] def set_header(self, key, value): """ Sets a HTTP header for future requests. """ self.conn.issue_command("Header", _normalize_header(key), value)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the current web session. """ self.conn.issue_command("Reset")
[docs] def status_code(self): """ Returns the numeric HTTP status of the last response. """ return int(self.conn.issue_command("Status"))
[docs] def headers(self): """ Returns a list of the last HTTP response headers. Header keys are normalized to capitalized form, as in `User-Agent`. """ headers = self.conn.issue_command("Headers") res = [] for header in headers.split("\r"): key, value = header.split(": ", 1) for line in value.split("\n"): res.append((_normalize_header(key), line)) return res
[docs] def eval_script(self, expr): """ Evaluates a piece of Javascript in the context of the current page and returns its value. """ ret = self.conn.issue_command("Evaluate", expr) return json.loads("[%s]" % ret)[0]
[docs] def exec_script(self, script): """ Executes a piece of Javascript in the context of the current page. """ self.conn.issue_command("Execute", script)
[docs] def render(self, path, width = 1024, height = 1024): """ Renders the current page to a PNG file (viewport size in pixels). """ self.conn.issue_command("Render", path, width, height)
[docs] def set_viewport_size(self, width, height): """ Sets the viewport size. """ self.conn.issue_command("ResizeWindow", width, height)
[docs] def clear_cookies(self): """ Deletes all cookies. """ self.conn.issue_command("ClearCookies")
[docs] def cookies(self): """ Returns a list of all cookies in cookie string format. """ return [line.strip() for line in self.conn.issue_command("GetCookies").split("\n") if line.strip()]
[docs] def set_error_tolerant(self, tolerant=True): """ DEPRECATED! This function is a no-op now. Used to set or unset the error tolerance flag in the server. If this flag as set, dropped requests or erroneous responses would not lead to an error. """ return
[docs] def set_attribute(self, attr, value = True): """ Sets a custom attribute for our Webkit instance. Possible attributes are: * ``auto_load_images`` * ``dns_prefetch_enabled`` * ``plugins_enabled`` * ``private_browsing_enabled`` * ``javascript_can_open_windows`` * ``javascript_can_access_clipboard`` * ``offline_storage_database_enabled`` * ``offline_web_application_cache_enabled`` * ``local_storage_enabled`` * ``local_storage_database_enabled`` * ``local_content_can_access_remote_urls`` * ``local_content_can_access_file_urls`` * ``accelerated_compositing_enabled`` * ``site_specific_quirks_enabled`` For all those options, ``value`` must be a boolean. You can find more information about these options `in the QT docs <>`_. """ value = "true" if value else "false" self.conn.issue_command("SetAttribute", self._normalize_attr(attr), value)
[docs] def reset_attribute(self, attr): """ Resets a custom attribute. """ self.conn.issue_command("SetAttribute", self._normalize_attr(attr), "reset")
[docs] def set_html(self, html, url = None): """ Sets custom HTML in our Webkit session and allows to specify a fake URL. Scripts and CSS is dynamically fetched as if the HTML had been loaded from the given URL. """ if url: self.conn.issue_command('SetHtml', html, url) else: self.conn.issue_command('SetHtml', html)
[docs] def set_proxy(self, host = "localhost", port = 0, user = "", password = ""): """ Sets a custom HTTP proxy to use for future requests. """ self.conn.issue_command("SetProxy", host, port, user, password)
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout): """ Set timeout for every webkit-server command """ self.conn.issue_command("SetTimeout", timeout)
[docs] def get_timeout(self): """ Return timeout for every webkit-server command """ return int(self.conn.issue_command("GetTimeout"))
[docs] def clear_proxy(self): """ Resets custom HTTP proxy (use none in future requests). """ self.conn.issue_command("ClearProxy")
[docs] def issue_node_cmd(self, *args): """ Issues a node-specific command. """ return self.conn.issue_command("Node", *args)
[docs] def get_node_factory(self): """ Returns the associated node factory. """ return self._node_factory
def _get_xpath_ids(self, xpath): """ Implements a mechanism to get a list of node IDs for an absolute XPath query. """ return self.conn.issue_command("FindXpath", xpath) def _get_css_ids(self, css): """ Implements a mechanism to get a list of node IDs for an absolute CSS query query. """ return self.conn.issue_command("FindCss", css) def _normalize_attr(self, attr): """ Transforms a name like ``auto_load_images`` into ``AutoLoadImages`` (allows Webkit option names to blend in with Python naming). """ return ''.join(x.capitalize() for x in attr.split("_"))
[docs]class WebkitServerError(Exception): """ Raised when the Webkit server experiences an error. """
[docs]class NoX11Error(WebkitServerError): """ Raised when the Webkit server cannot connect to X. """
[docs]class Server(object): """ Manages a Webkit server process. If `binary` is given, the specified ``webkit_server`` binary is used instead of the included one. """ def __init__(self, binary = None): binary = binary or SERVER_EXEC self._server = subprocess.Popen([binary], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) output = self._server.stdout.readline() try: self._port = int("port: (\d+)", output).group(1)) except AttributeError: err ="utf-8") if "Could not connect to display" in err: raise NoX11Error("Could not connect to X server. " "Try calling dryscrape.start_xvfb() before creating a session.") else: raise WebkitServerError("webkit-server failed to start. Output:\n" + err) # on program termination, kill the server instance atexit.register(self.kill)
[docs] def kill(self): """ Kill the process. """ self._server.kill() self._server.wait()
[docs] def connect(self): """ Returns a new socket connection to this server. """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(("", self._port)) return sock
_default_server = None
[docs]def get_default_server(): """ Returns a singleton Server instance (possibly after creating it, if it doesn't exist yet). """ global _default_server if not _default_server: _default_server = Server() return _default_server
[docs]class NoResponseError(Exception): """ Raised when the Webkit server does not respond. """
[docs]class InvalidResponseError(Exception): """ Raised when the Webkit server signaled an error. """
[docs]class EndOfStreamError(Exception): """ Raised when the Webkit server closed the connection unexpectedly. """ def __init__(self, msg="Unexpected end of file"): super(Exception, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class SocketBuffer(object): """ A convenience class for buffered reads from a socket. """ def __init__(self, f): """ `f` is expected to be an open socket. """ self.f = f self.buf = b''
[docs] def read_line(self): """ Consume one line from the stream. """ while True: newline_idx = self.buf.find(b"\n") if newline_idx >= 0: res = self.buf[:newline_idx] self.buf = self.buf[newline_idx + 1:] return res chunk = self.f.recv(4096) if not chunk: raise EndOfStreamError() self.buf += chunk
[docs] def read(self, n): """ Consume `n` characters from the stream. """ while len(self.buf) < n: chunk = self.f.recv(4096) if not chunk: raise EndOfStreamError() self.buf += chunk res, self.buf = self.buf[:n], self.buf[n:] return res
[docs]class ServerConnection(object): """ A connection to a Webkit server. `server` is a server instance or `None` if a singleton server should be connected to (will be started if necessary). """ def __init__(self, server = None): super(ServerConnection, self).__init__() self._sock = (server or get_default_server()).connect() self.buf = SocketBuffer(self._sock) self.issue_command("IgnoreSslErrors")
[docs] def issue_command(self, cmd, *args): """ Sends and receives a message to/from the server """ self._writeline(cmd) self._writeline(str(len(args))) for arg in args: arg = str(arg) self._writeline(str(len(arg))) self._sock.sendall(arg.encode("utf-8")) return self._read_response()
def _read_response(self): """ Reads a complete response packet from the server """ result = self.buf.read_line().decode("utf-8") if not result: raise NoResponseError("No response received from server.") msg = self._read_message() if result != "ok": raise InvalidResponseError(msg) return msg def _read_message(self): """ Reads a single size-annotated message from the server """ size = int(self.buf.read_line().decode("utf-8")) return"utf-8") def _writeline(self, line): """ Writes a line to the underlying socket. """ self._sock.sendall(line.encode("utf-8") + b"\n")