Source code for dryscrape.mixins

Mixins for use in dryscrape drivers.

import time
import lxml.html

[docs]class SelectionMixin(object): """ Mixin that adds different methods of node selection to an object that provides an ``xpath`` method returning a collection of matches. """
[docs] def css(self, css): """ Returns all nodes matching the given CSSv3 expression. """ return self.css(css)
[docs] def at_css(self, css): """ Returns the first node matching the given CSSv3 expression or ``None``. """ return self._first_or_none(self.css(css))
[docs] def at_xpath(self, xpath): """ Returns the first node matching the given XPath 2.0 expression or ``None``. """ return self._first_or_none(self.xpath(xpath))
[docs] def parent(self): """ Returns the parent node. """ return self.at_xpath('..')
[docs] def children(self): """ Returns the child nodes. """ return self.xpath('*')
[docs] def form(self): """ Returns the form wherein this node is contained or ``None``. """ return self.at_xpath("ancestor::form")
def _first_or_none(self, list): return list[0] if list else None
[docs]class AttributeMixin(object): """ Mixin that adds ``[]`` access syntax sugar to an object that supports a ``set_attr`` and ``get_attr`` method. """ def __getitem__(self, attr): """ Syntax sugar for accessing this node's attributes """ return self.get_attr(attr) def __setitem__(self, attr, value): """ Syntax sugar for setting this node's attributes """ self.set_attr(attr, value)
[docs]class HtmlParsingMixin(object): """ Mixin that adds a ``document`` method to an object that supports a ``body`` method returning valid HTML. """
[docs] def document(self): """ Parses the HTML returned by ``body`` and returns it as an lxml.html document. If the driver supports live DOM manipulation (like webkit_server does), changes performed on the returned document will not take effect. """ return lxml.html.document_fromstring(self.body())
[docs]class WaitTimeoutError(Exception): """ Raised when a wait times out """
[docs]class WaitMixin(SelectionMixin): """ Mixin that allows waiting for conditions or elements. """
[docs] def wait_for(self, condition, interval = DEFAULT_WAIT_INTERVAL, timeout = DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT): """ Wait until a condition holds by checking it in regular intervals. Raises ``WaitTimeoutError`` on timeout. """ start = time.time() # at least execute the check once! while True: res = condition() if res: return res # timeout? if time.time() - start > timeout: break # wait a bit time.sleep(interval) # timeout occured! raise WaitTimeoutError("wait_for timed out")
[docs] def wait_for_safe(self, *args, **kw): """ Wait until a condition holds and return ``None`` on timeout. """ try: return self.wait_for(*args, **kw) except WaitTimeoutError: return None
[docs] def wait_while(self, condition, *args, **kw): """ Wait while a condition holds. """ return self.wait_for(lambda: not condition(), *args, **kw)
[docs] def at_css(self, css, timeout = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT, **kw): """ Returns the first node matching the given CSSv3 expression or ``None`` if a timeout occurs. """ return self.wait_for_safe(lambda: super(WaitMixin, self).at_css(css), timeout = timeout, **kw)
[docs] def at_xpath(self, xpath, timeout = DEFAULT_AT_TIMEOUT, **kw): """ Returns the first node matching the given XPath 2.0 expression or ``None`` if a timeout occurs. """ return self.wait_for_safe(lambda: super(WaitMixin, self).at_xpath(xpath), timeout = timeout, **kw)